Classroom Expectations

Kindergarten Behavior Plan

At ORES we use the Responsive Classroom Behavior Management model. In our classroom, we incorporate components to help develop self-control, a sense of community, and a safe environment for all students. Several of these components are:

JMorning Meeting - a daily format for friendly greetings, sharing of news, and developing friendships.

JQuiet Time - daily after lunch to refocus for the rest of the day.

JA chime is used to signal for attention.

JCalming Corner - used if a child needs a few minutes to refocus and think about a behavior. The Calming Corner is not considered a negative place. Students that utilize the Calming Corner are not "in trouble" they simply need a moment to refocus their emotions to be ready to re-engage with the activity. However, frequent need of the the Calming Corner may require parent/guardian meetings with the teacher to work together to help the child with their emotions.


The Kindergarten behavior plan supports ORES School-Wide Rules: 

            Be Kind

            Be Safe

            Be Respectful 


The classroom is an environment in which your child will learn many new things.  One area in which your child will develop is social learning.  Within the classroom and school, your child will be given many opportunities to work with other children and adults.  He or she will learn to share, take turns, be kind to and help others, play nicely, and clean up after him or herself.  The class will work as a “team” in order to learn the most we can and have fun doing it!  You, the parent(s), are a part of our team!  


     We have four simple classroom rules to remember:

  1. I will respect myself.
  2. I will respect others.
  3. I will respect the environment.
  4. I will do my best!


Each child starts the day with their name card on “Ready to Learn” on our behavior board. If your child consistently demonstrates good choices and quality character, his or her name card will be moved up to “Good choices!” or “Way to Go!”  Those who end the day on “Way to Go!” earn privileges. However, if an adult has to speak with your child after repeated efforts to guide him or her toward better choices, he or she will have their name card moved down to remind them to make better choices.  If your child continues to struggle to self-regulate on that day, he or she will receive a note home for you to sign and return back to me the next day. 



  • discussion with teacher about better choices
  • move name card down a level, encouragement to make better choices
  • ·name on lowest level, note home to be signed and returned


This week (as well as throughout the year), we will discuss our class behavior plan at school.  Please review this behavior plan with your child at home.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your support!

                                                                                                                        Thank you,                                                                                                                                                                 Mrs. Hogan