--Math Opportunities May 26-29, 2020


May 26-29, 2020                                                          Learning Opportunities

Dear Parents,

As this school year ends, we would like to take a moment to thank you for all of your help and support throughout the school year and especially this last 9 weeks.  We have truly missed teaching your children in our physical classrooms.

We have enclosed a different approach to learning this week.  It is project based learning. 

The project is to Plan a Party.

To get a few ideas/inspiration you can listen to some party books.  Here is our YouTube playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6xdncgnDXA&list=PL2xX9eG4D0aq_52NlRFHQGoWh9sqbTc0K

Your child will plan a party using no more than $30.  They will choose decorations and food to serve.  (math)

After completing the plan, they can draw a picture of the party (art) and write a story about it.  What are you celebrating at your party? Where will it be and who will be there? What will you do?(language arts) Try to use describing words and extend a sentence with one of these words (because, if, or, but, when, since, before, as, until)

For example:   He played basketball before he mowed the thick grass. The black cat screeched when it saw the huge dog.

Please send us pictures of your plan and your story on Class Dojo or email. We can’t wait to see your creativity.


Have a safe and restful summer! 

Mrs. Watts and Miss Smith